At Coombe Roofing and Structural Waterproofing, we’re confident that all our roofing products offer the very highest standards of performance, whether you choose a liquid applied membrane, opt for single ply solution, or select a bituminous system. We know that a best in class roofing installation is about much more than the product used for the project; it also depends on the skills and attention to detail of the installation team on site.
We only choose roofing systems from manufacturers that provide full installation training to ensure that they can be installed confidently and expertly by our team.
Our focus on training is integral to delivering our quality management system, which underpins the guarantees we’re able to offer. It’s a commitment that’s continuing to grow and dramatically reduces the likelihood of call backs for poor installation.
At Coombe Roofing and Structural Waterproofing, we don’t just sell roofing products, we offer solutions that are part of a complete service offering, prioritising a quality approach at every touchpoint.